Algebraic function fields

Ingo Blechschmidt

0 Algebraic preliminaries

By ring, we mean commutative ring with unit. The case 1 = 0 is allowed.

0.1 Local rings

A ring is local iff x_1 + \cdots + x_n \operatorname{inv}\quad\Longrightarrow\quad x_1 \operatorname{inv}\vee \cdots \vee x_n \operatorname{inv}. In particular (case n = 0), 1 \neq 0.

\mathbb{Z}_{(p)}, k[X]_{(X-a)}, \mathbb{R}, \mathbb{Q}_p.

\mathbb{Z}, k[X].

0.2 Integral domains

A ring is an integral domain iff x_1 \cdots x_n = 0 \quad\Longrightarrow\quad x_1 = 0 \vee \cdots \vee x_n = 0. In particular (case n = 0), 1 \neq 0.

\mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Z}[X], and more generally polynomial rings over integral domains.

In \mathbb{Z}/(6), 2 \cdot 3 = 0 even though 2 \neq 0 and 3 \neq 0.

0.3 Fields

A ring is a field iff \neg (x_1 = 0 \wedge \cdots \wedge x_n = 0) \quad\Longrightarrow\quad x_1 \operatorname{inv}\vee \cdots \vee x_n \operatorname{inv}. In particular (case n = 0), 1 \neq 0; and (case n = 1), x \neq 0 \Rightarrow x \operatorname{inv}.

\mathbb{Q}, \mathbb{Q}(T), \mathbb{F}_q, \bar{\mathbb{Q}}.

\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{C}, \mathbb{F}_p((T)), \mathbb{Q}_p.

The examples in the second block are only fields when disregarding issues of computability. As there are no time bounds on the runtime of the inversion procedure, constructively we only have: “For every x \neq 0, anonymously there is an inverse x^{-1}.”

In general, proof by contradiction and the axiom of choice preclude a computational interpretation of our arguments. For instance, a proof that it is impossible for a given equation to have no solution does not give us any indication how to find one.

In this course, we will always be explicit when using these principles of classical mathematics, by highlighting them with the qualifier “anonymously”:

By avoiding nonconstructive proofs, we open up three possibilities:

  1. Our proofs give rise to algorithms.

  2. Our results are “stable in continuous families” (this will be explored later on).

  3. Our results are also applicable to R, the central protagonist of synthetic algebraic geometry. This emerging subject allows us to use a simple element-based language to secretly work with Grothendieck-style modern algebraic geometry (with its support for arbitrary base rings which are not fields and for “generic points”).

In the cases where we need an additional assumption to ensure that an argument works constructively, we will highlight such an assumption like this.

A set X has decidable equality iff for every a,b \in X, either a = b or a \neq b.

In classical mathematics—disregarding algorithmic implementability and stability in families—every set has decidable equality.

The rings \mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Q}, \mathbb{F}_q, \bar{\mathbb{Q}} all have decidable equality. For \bar{\mathbb{Q}}, this is a nontrivial result. The polynomials witnessing algebraicity provide the required additional information to detect equality or inequality by just inspecting a finite number of rational approximations (Mines, Richman, and Ruitenburg 1988, chap. VI.1).

0.4 Ideals

Let A be a ring. The ideal generated by a set S \subseteq A is the set (S) = \Bigl\{ \sum_{i=1}^n a_i s_i \,\Big|\, n \geq 0, a_1,\ldots,a_n \in A, s_1,\ldots,s_n \in S \Bigr\}. An ideal is finitely generated iff it is equal to an ideal of the form (x_1,\ldots,x_n). An ideal is principal iff it is equal to an ideal of the form (x).

A Bézout ring is a ring for which every finitely generated ideal is principal.

Every finitely generated ideal of \mathbb{Z} is principal. For instance, (a,b) = (\operatorname{gcd}(a,b)).

For every ideal of \mathbb{Z}, anonymously there is a finite set generating it. In particular, there are no ideals which would not be finitely generated.

Let k be a field with decidable equality. Then the Euclidean algorithm is available to ensure that every finitely generated ideal of k[X] is principal.

The radical of an ideal \mathfrak{a}\subseteq A is the ideal \sqrt{\mathfrak{a}} = \{ x \in A \,|\, \exists n \in \mathbb{N}\mathpunct{.} x^n \in \mathfrak{a}\} \subseteq A. An ideal \mathfrak{a} is a radical ideal iff \sqrt{\mathfrak{a}} \subseteq \mathfrak{a} (we always have \mathfrak{a}\subseteq \sqrt{\mathfrak{a}}). An ideal \mathfrak{a} is radically finitely generated iff there exists a finitely generated ideal \mathfrak{b} such that \sqrt{\mathfrak{a}} = \sqrt{\mathfrak{b}}.

A gcd ring is a ring in which every finite family of elements has a greatest common divisor, i.e. a largest element in the quasiorder of divisors.

Every Bézout ring is a gcd ring, a greatest common divisor of a family x_1,\ldots,x_n of ring elements is given by any principal generator of the ideal (x_1,\ldots,x_n).

0.5 Finiteness conditions

Let M be an A-module.
1. The maximal length of an A-linearly independent family in M is denoted [M : A]_\mathrm{lu}.
2. The minimal length of a generating system of M is denoted [M : A]_\mathrm{gs}.

In case the base ring A is not trivial, these two ranks are related as follows.

  1. [M : A]_\mathrm{lu} \leq [M : A]_\mathrm{gs}.
  2. If M has a basis of length n, then [M : A]_\mathrm{lu} = [M : A]_\mathrm{gs} = n. (In this case we also write “[M : A] = n”.)
  3. The converse holds in case A is a field with decidable equality.

Constructively, we might not be able to pinpoint a maximal linearly independent family or a minimal generating system: We only have that every inhabited set of natural numbers anonymously has a minimum, and that every inhabited bounded set of natural numbers anonymously has a maximum. But referencing those ranks still makes sense. For instance, the inequality [M : A]_\mathrm{lu} \leq [M : A]_\mathrm{gs} can be interpreted as “every linearly independent family is at most as long as any generating system”. Property (3) can be interpreted as “if a linearly independent family and a generating system have the same length, then they are both bases”.

In constructive mathematics, the condition that a vector space has a finite basis is stronger than the condition that there is some number n \in \mathbb{N} such that every linearly independent family has length at most n. For instance, let K be the field \{ z \in \mathbb{Q}(i) \,|\, (z \in \mathbb{Q}) \vee P \}, where P is a truth value. Let L = \mathbb{Q}(i). Then every K-linearly independent family in L has length at most 2. If \dim_K L = 2, then \neg P; if \dim_K L = 1, then K = L and hence i \in K and hence P. Thus: If L has a finite basis, then P \vee \neg P.

0.6 Positive characteristic

A field K is perfect iff for every prime number p: If p = 0 in K, then every element of K has a p-th root.

Every field of characteristic zero (i.e. where p \neq 0 for every prime number p) is perfect.

Every algebraically closed field is perfect.

Every finite field is perfect (for instance, in \mathbb{F}_p we have x^p = x for all x \in \mathbb{F}_p, so every element is its own p-th root).

A polynomial f \in K[X] over a field K with decidable equality is separable iff f and f' are coprime.

The field \mathbb{F}_p(X) is not perfect. For instance the element X does not have a p-th root, even though p = 0 in \mathbb{F}_p(X). The polynomial f(T) = T^p - X \in \mathbb{F}_p(X)[T] is irreducible but not separable, as f'(T) = p T^{p-1} = 0, so \gcd(f,f') = f \neq 1.

Let F \mid K be an extension of fields with decidable equality. Let x \in F. Let f \in K[X] be an irreducible monic polynomial with f(x) = 0. Then f is separable over K or there is a prime number p such that p = 0 in K and f(X) = g(X^p) for some monic polynomial g \in K[X].

Let F \mid K be an extension of fields with decidable equality. Let x \in F be algebraic over K. Then there exists a “characteristic exponent” q (i.e. either q = 1, or q = p^n where p is a prime number with p = 0 in K) such that x^q is separable over K.

Let K(x_1,\ldots,x_n) \mid K be an extension of fields with decidable equality. If all the x_i are algebraic over K and if all the x_i except for at most one are separable over K, then K(x_1,\ldots,x_n) = K(z) for some primitive element z.

Let L \mid E be a finite extension of fields with decidable equality. Let p = 0 in E. Assume [E : E^p] = p. Then L = E(z) for some z \in L.

We may use classical logic in the proof as the claim satisfies the assumptions of Barr’s theorem (see Exercise 6.5). We follow (Becker and MacLane 1940 Theorem 1).

Exponentiating by p is an isomorphism L \to L^p which maps E to E^p. Hence we have [L : L^p] = [L : E] [E : E^p] / [L^p : E^p] = [E : E^p] = p.

As [L : L^p] > 1, there is an element a \in L \setminus L^p. Then L = L^p(a) for degree reasons (the degree [L : L^p(a)] is more than 1, hence equal to p).

Raising L = L^p(a) to the p-th power, we obtain L^p = L^{p^2}(a^p); hence L = L^p(a) = L^{p^2}(a^p)(a) = L^{p^2}(a). Continuing in this manner, we obtain L = L^{p^m}(a) for every m \geq 0.

As L \mid E is finite, (employing the previous corollary) there is a characteristic exponent q such that E(L^q) is separable over E. By the standard primitive element theorem, hence E(L^q) = E(b) for some element b.

Thus L = L^q(a) = E(b)(a) = E(a,b) = E(z) for some element z by the standard primitive element theorem (using that a is algebraic over E and that b is separable over E).

1 Affine spaces and algebraic sets

In the following, we fix a ring k which we presume to be local and a field. Some results will also require k to be algebraically closed or to be an integral domain, but we will not put these as blanket assumptions. Some of the following definitions will also appear to make sense if k is an arbitrary ring. However this will not last beyond the basic notions. The generalization to arbitrary rings requires Grothendieck-style algebraic geometry or synthetic algebraic geometry.

Affine n-space over k is \mathbb{A}^n_k \vcentcolon=k^n regarded as a plain set (not a vector space) equipped with a topology introduced below.

Let f \in k[X_1,\ldots,X_n] be a polynomial. Its nonzero locus is the subset D(f) \vcentcolon=\{ p \in \mathbb{A}^n_k \,|\, f(p) \operatorname{inv}\} \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k. Its zero locus or vanishing set is the subset V(f) \vcentcolon=\{ p \in \mathbb{A}^n_k \,|\, f(p) = 0 \} \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k.

Let S \subseteq k[X_1,\ldots,X_n] be a set of polynomials. Its nonzero locus is the subset D(S) \vcentcolon=\bigcup_{f \in S} D(f) \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k. Its zero locus or vanishing set is the subset V(S) \vcentcolon=\bigcap_{f \in S} D(f) \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k.

A subset M \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k is algebraic iff it is of the form V(S) for some finitely enumerable set S = \{ f_1,\ldots,f_r \}.

For every polynomial f, D(f) = V(f)^c, and indeed even D(S) = V(S)^c for every finitely enumerable set S of polynomials.

We have the following relations.

  1. If S \subseteq T, then D(S) \subseteq D(T).
  2. D(S) = D((S)).
  3. D(S) = D(\sqrt{S}), where \sqrt{S} = \{ f \in k[X_1,\ldots,X_n] \,|\, \exists n \in \mathbb{N}\mathpunct{.} f^n \in S \}.
  4. D(\bigcup_i S_i) = \bigcup_i D(S_i).
  5. D(0) = \emptyset.
  6. D(1) = \mathbb{A}^n_k.
  7. D(f+g) \subseteq D(f) \cup D(g), and also D(\mathfrak{a}+ \mathfrak{b}) \subseteq D(\mathfrak{a}) + D(\mathfrak{b}).
  8. D(fg) = D(f) \cap D(g), and also D(\mathfrak{a}\mathfrak{b}) = D(\mathfrak{a}) \cap D(\mathfrak{b}).

We have the following relations.

  1. If S \subseteq T, then V(S) \subseteq V(T).
  2. V(S) = V((S)).
  3. V(S) = V(\sqrt{S}), if k is reduced.
  4. V(\bigcup_i S_i) = \bigcap_i V(S_i).
  5. V(0) = \mathbb{A}^n_k.
  6. V(1) = \emptyset.
  7. V(f+g) \supseteq V(f) \cap V(g), and also V(\mathfrak{a}+ \mathfrak{b}) \supseteq V(\mathfrak{a}) \cap V(\mathfrak{b}).
  8. V(fg) = V(f) \cup V(g) if the union is disjoint or if k is an integral domain, and also V(\mathfrak{a}\mathfrak{b}) = V(\mathfrak{a}) \cup V(\mathfrak{b}) if \mathfrak{a} and \mathfrak{b} are finitely generated and the union is disjoint or k is an integral domain.

The vanishing loci have perhaps a greater geometric signifance than the nonzero loci, but require more assumptions for the basic observations about them. In view of Items (2) and (3) there is hope that \sqrt{(S)} can be reconstructed from D(S) or V(S), and for (see below) this is indeed true. In general, however, we are losing information when passing to the geometric side: For instance V(X^2+1) = \emptyset = V(1) \subseteq \mathbb{A}^1_\mathbb{Q}.

Let S \subseteq k[X_1,\ldots,X_n]. Then Hilbert’s basis theorem implies that anonymously, the ideal (S) is finitely generated. Hence V(S) is anonymously an algebraic set even if S is not finitely enumerable.

The ideal I(M) of a subset M \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k is the ideal I(M) = \{ f \in k[X_1,\ldots,X_n] \,|\, \forall p \in M\mathpunct{.} f(p) = 0 \} \subseteq k[X_1,\ldots,X_n] of those polynomials which vanish on M.

I(\mathbb{A}^n_k) = (0), if k is infinite.

I(\{(a_1,\ldots,a_n)\}) = (X_1-a_1,\ldots,X_n-a_n).

We have the following relations.

  1. If M \subseteq N, then I(M) \supseteq I(N).
  2. S \subseteq I(V(S)).
  3. M \subseteq V(I(M)).
  4. M \subseteq V(S) iff S \subseteq I(M). (“Galois connection”)
  5. I(M) is a radical ideal, if k is reduced.
  6. If M is an algebraic subset, then V(I(M)) = M.

Let M \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k be an algebraic subset. A polynomial function on M is a map f : M \to k such that there exists a polynomial g \in k[X_1,\ldots,X_n] with f(p) = g(p) for all p \in M.

In case that k is not infinite, the polynomial g might not be uniquely determined by f. The set of all polynomial functions on M is denoted \mathrm{Hom}_k(M,\mathbb{A}^1_k). There is a canonical surjective homomorphism k[X_1,\ldots,X_n] \longrightarrow \mathrm{Hom}_k(M,\mathbb{A}^1_k) with kernel I(M). So \mathrm{Hom}_k(M,\mathbb{A}^1_k) \cong k[X_1,\ldots,X_n]/I(M). This observation motivates the following definition.

The coordinate algebra of an algebraic subset M \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k is the k-algebra k[X_1,\ldots,X_n]/I(M).

In a similar fashion, we define the notion of a polynomial map f : M \to N between algebraic subsets M \subseteq \mathbb{A}^m_k, N \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k. The set of such maps is denoted \mathrm{Hom}_k(M,N). We have a canonical isomorphism \mathrm{Hom}_k(\Gamma(N),\Gamma(M)) \longrightarrow \mathrm{Hom}_k(M,N) which maps an k-algebra homomorphism \varphi : \Gamma(N) \to \Gamma(M) to the polynomial map p \mapsto (\varphi([Y_1])(p), \ldots, \varphi([Y_n])(p))).

The fiber of a map f : M \to N over a point p \in N is the subset f^{-1}[\{p\}] = \{ q \in M \,|\, f(q) = p \} \subseteq M.

2 Varieties

In this section, we assume that k is field which is also local and an integral domain.

An algebraic subset M \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k is irreducible iff for every number r \geq 0 and all algebraic subsets M_1,\ldots,M_r \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k, M = M_1 \cup \ldots \cup M_r \quad\Longrightarrow\quad \exists i\mathpunct{.} M = M_i; equivalently, if M \subseteq M_1 \cup \ldots \cup M_r \quad\Longrightarrow\quad \exists i\mathpunct{.} M \subseteq M_i; equivalently still, if for all r \geq 0 and all finitely generated ideals \mathfrak{a}_1,\ldots,\mathfrak{a}_r \subseteq k[X_1,\ldots,X_n], \mathfrak{a}_1 \cdot \ldots \cdot \mathfrak{a}_r \subseteq I(M) \quad\Longrightarrow\quad \exists i\mathpunct{.} \mathfrak{a}_i \subseteq I(M); in other words, iff I(M) is a prime ideal.

By the r = 0 case, the empty set is not irreducible (“too simple to be simple”). If k is, contrary to what we have supposed, not an integral domain, the definition needs to be modified to reflect the paucity of prime ideals in k[X_1,\ldots,X_n].

The algebraic subset V(XY) \subseteq \mathbb{A}^2_k is not irreducible, as V(XY) = V(X) \cup V(Y) but V(X) \neq V(XY) and V(Y) \neq V(XY).

The algebraic subset V(Y-X^2) \subseteq \mathbb{A}^2_k is irreducible, if k is infinite.

Irreducibility of algebraic subsets is related to irreducibility of polynomials, but if k is not algebraically closed and has decidable equality, the correspondence is not perfect: For instance the polynomial X^2+1 \in \mathbb{Q}[X] is irreducible and the ideal (X^2+1) \subseteq \mathbb{Q}[X] is prime, but V(X^2+1) = \emptyset is not. A slightly more involved example is V(Y^2+X^2(X-1)^2) = \{ (0,0), (1,0) \} \subseteq \mathbb{A}^2_\mathbb{Q}.

An affine variety (over k) is an irreducible algebraic subset of some \mathbb{A}^n_k.

A ring A has a primality test for finitely generated ideals if and only if for every ideal \mathfrak{a}\subseteq A, either \mathfrak{a} is prime or alternatively 1 \in \mathfrak{a} or there exist f,g \in A such that fg \in \mathfrak{a} but f,g \not\in \mathfrak{a}. For instance \mathbb{Q}[X_1,\ldots,X_n] has a primality test for finitely generated ideals.

Assume that k is a Noetherian domain (that is the case, for instance, if k has decidable equality) and that k[X_1,\ldots,X_n] has a primality test for finitely generated ideals. Assume that k is a Nullstellensatz ring (see below). Let M \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k be an algebraic set. Then there are irreducible subsets M_1,\ldots,M_r \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k such that M = M_1 \cup \ldots \cup M_r. If we furthermore require M_i \subseteq M_j \Rightarrow i = j, this decomposition is unique up to reordering.

Under these assumptions it is a result of commutative algebra that for every finitely generated ideal \mathfrak{a} there are finitely generated prime ideals \mathfrak{p}_1,\ldots,\mathfrak{p}_r such that \sqrt{\mathfrak{a}} = \sqrt{\mathfrak{p}_1 \cap \ldots \cap \mathfrak{p}_r}. Indeed: By the primality test, the ideal is \mathfrak{a} either prime or not. If it is, we are done. Else we find that 1 \in \mathfrak{a}, in which case we are done by taking r = 0, or we find f,g \not\in \mathfrak{a} such that fg \in \mathfrak{a}; in this case we continue by Noetherian induction with the ideals \mathfrak{a}+ (f) \supsetneq \mathfrak{a} and \mathfrak{a}+ (g) \supsetneq \mathfrak{a} and fold up the two branches of the computation by the rule \sqrt{\mathfrak{a}} = \sqrt{(\mathfrak{a}+(f)) \cap (\mathfrak{a}+(g))}.

Hence V(\mathfrak{a}) = V(\mathfrak{p}_1) \cup \cdots \cup V(\mathfrak{p}_r). The summands V(\mathfrak{p}_i) are irreducible as the Nullstellensatz condition implies I(V(\mathfrak{p}_i)) = \sqrt{\mathfrak{p}_i} = \mathfrak{p}_i, so the defining ideals are prime.

2.1 Varieties in two-dimensional space

In this subsection, we assume that k has decidable equality. As a consequence, polynomials have well-defined degrees and the Euclidean algorithm is available so that k[X] is a Bézout ring.

Let f, g \in k[X,Y] be polynomials of positive degree with gcd(f,g) = 1. Then V(f,g) is finite in the sense that there is a number N \in \mathbb{N} such that it’s not the case that V(f,g) contains more than N distinct points.

Exercise 3.2.

Let f \in k[X,Y] be an irreducible polynomial such that V(f) is infinite. Then I(V(f)) = (f) and V(f) is irreducible.

Let g \in I(V(f)). Then V(f,g) = V(f) is infinite by assumption. Hence \operatorname{gcd}(f,g) \neq 1 by the previous lemma. As f is irreducible, we must have \operatorname{gcd}(f,g) = f and hence g \in (f).

The claim that (f) is a prime ideal is a standard result about ideals generated by irreducible elements in unique factorization domains.

Additionally assuming that k is infinite, we hence have the following examples for irreducible subsets of \mathbb{A}^2_k:

  1. Singleton sets \{p\}.
  2. Sets of the form V(f) where f is irreducible and V(f) is infinite.
  3. \mathbb{A}^2_k itself.

Conversely, every irreducible subset is of these form, at least anonymously. More precisely, we have the following.

Assume that k is algebraically closed. Let f = f_1^{e_1} \cdots f_r^{e_r} \in k[X,Y] be a factorization of a polynomial into irreducible factors. Then V(f) = V(f_1) \cup \cdots \cup V(f_r) is the decomposition of V(f) into irreducible components, and I(V(f)) = (f_1 \cdots f_r).

By Exercise 2.4(b), the subsets V(f_i) are infinite, hence irreducible with I(V(f_i)) = (f_i) by the lemma above. We have I(V(f)) = I(\bigcup_i V(f_i)) = \bigcap_i I(V(f_i)) = \bigcap_i (f_i); we conclude with the standard observation \bigcap_i (f_i) = (f_1 \cdots f_r) valid in unique factorization domains.

2.2 Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz and its consequences

A Nullstellensatz ring is a ring A such that for every number n \geq 0 and every finitely generated ideal \mathfrak{a}\subseteq A[X_1,\ldots,X_n], I(V(\mathfrak{a})) \subseteq \sqrt{\mathfrak{a}}.

Explicitly, writing \mathfrak{a}= (f_1,\ldots,f_r), this means that if f_1(p) = \ldots = f_r(p) = 0 \Rightarrow g(p) = 0 for all p \in A^n, then g \in \sqrt{(f_1,\ldots,f_r)}. The converse holds trivially.

Every algebraically closed field K with decidable equality is a Nullstellensatz ring (Lombardi and Quitté 2015 Theorem III.9.7); in fact, for every finitely generated ideal \mathfrak{a}\subseteq K[X_1,\ldots,X_n] and every polynomial g \in K[X_1,\ldots,X_n], we either have g \in \sqrt{\mathfrak{a}} (in which case V(\mathfrak{a}) \subseteq V(g)) or V(\mathfrak{a}) \cap D(g) is inhabited. The proof cleverly employs the resultant to reduce the problem to univariate polynomials.

The ring R of synthetic algebraic geometry is a Nullstellensatz ring; in fact, for every finitely generated ideal \mathfrak{a}\subseteq R[X_1,\ldots,X_n], we even have I(V(\mathfrak{a})) = \mathfrak{a}.

The Nullstellsatz property expresses a kind of completeness, stating that geometric truths have algebraic certificates.

Assume that k is a Nullstellensatz ring. Then the associations \begin{array}{rcl} \mathfrak{a}&\longmapsto& V(\mathfrak{a}) \\ I(M) &⟻& M \end{array} define order-reversing bijective maps between:

  1. the set of radically finitely generated radical ideals of k[X_1,\ldots,X_n] and the set of algebraic subsets of \mathbb{A}^n_k,
  2. the set of radically finitely generated prime ideals and the set of irreducible subsets,
  3. the set of radically finitely generated maximal ideals and the set of singleton subsets. (TODO be more precise)

2.3 Noether normalization and dimension

A basic fact in linear algebra is the structure theorem regarding solution sets of linear equations: A linear equation Ax = b over a field with decidable equality either has no solution at all, or the solution set M is of the form x_0 + \operatorname{span}(v_1,\ldots,v_r) where (v_1,\ldots,v_r) is a linearly independent family. In this case it makes sense to call r the dimension of the solution set; the solutions are parametrized by the points of \mathbb{A}^r_k, we have a bijection M \to \mathbb{A}^r_k. Noether normalization is the analogous result for algebraic sets. To state it, we will require the notion of a finite map:

(Noether normalization) Let k be an algebraically closed field with decidable equality. Let M \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k be an algebraic set. Then either M = \emptyset or there is a finite surjective map M \to \mathbb{A}^r_k for some r \leq n.

Intuitively, as a first approximation, a map is finite if all its fibers are finite sets. For instance, the projection maps V(Y-X^2) \to \mathbb{A}^1_kV(X-Y^2) \to \mathbb{A}^1_k and V((Y-X)(Y+X)) \to \mathbb{A}^1_k which all map (x,y) \mapsto x are finite. In contrast, the map V(XY) \to \mathbb{A}^1_k, (x,y) \mapsto x is not finite.

A polynomial map f : M \to N between algebraic sets M \subseteq \mathbb{A}^m_k, N \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k is finite if the induced ring homomorphism f^* : \Gamma(N) \to \Gamma(M) is finite. A ring homomorphism A \to B is finite iff it exhibits B as a finitely generated A-module.

The fiber of a map f : Y \to X over a point x_0 \in X is the set f^{-1}[x_0] \vcentcolon=\{ y \in Y \,|\, f(y) = x \} \subseteq Y.

In algebraic geometry, we often try to draw the domain of a map in such a way that the map looks like the vertical projection to the codomain.

Let \varphi : A \to B be a ring homomorphism. The following are equivalent:

  1. B is integral over A and finitely generated as an A-algebra.
  2. B is finite over A (i.e. finitely generated as an A-module).

Let X \subseteq \mathbb{A}^n_k be an algebraic set. Then the following are equivalent:

  1. X = \{ p_1,\ldots,p_N \} for some N \geq 0 and some points p_1,\ldots,p_N \in \mathbb{A}^n_k.
  2. X \subseteq \{ p_1,\ldots,p_N \} for some N \geq 0 and some points p_1,\ldots,p_N \in \mathbb{A}^n_k.
  3. X \subseteq V(f_1) \times \cdots \times V(f_n) for some monic polynomials f_1 \in k[X_1], \ldots, f_n \in k[X_n].
  4. \Gamma X is finitely generated as a k-vector space.

2.4 Rings of germs

Let X be a variety over k.

The function field of X is the field k(X) \vcentcolon=\operatorname{Frac}(\Gamma X).

The fraction field of \mathbb{A}^1_k is k(X), if k is infinite (so that I(\mathbb{A}^1_k) = (0)).

Let f \in k(X). (a) f is defined at a point p \in X iff f can be written as f = g/h with g,h \in \Gamma X and h(p) \neq 0. (b) J_f \vcentcolon=\{ g \in \Gamma X \,|\, gf \in \Gamma X \} \subseteq \Gamma X.

Let f \in k(X).

  1. The set of points where f is defined coincides with D(J_f).
  2. The ideal J_f is finitely generated (even principal), if \Gamma X is a gcd domain.

If \Gamma X is a gcd domain, then f can be written as f = g/h where g and h are coprime. In this case Euclid’s lemma implies that J_f = (h).

The ring of germs at a point p \in X is the subring \mathcal{O}_p \vcentcolon=\{ f \in k(X) \,|\, p \in D(J_f) \} of k(X).

Let p \in X.

  1. An element f \in \mathcal{O}_p is invertible in \mathcal{O}_p iff f(p) \neq 0.
  2. The ring \mathcal{O}_p is local.
  3. The ring \mathcal{O}_p is the localization of \Gamma X at the multiplicative subset \{ f \in \Gamma X \,|\, f(p) \neq 0 \} (and hence Noetherian, if k is).

If k is a Nullstellensatz ring, then \Gamma X = \bigcap_{p \in X} \mathcal{O}_p \cap \{ f \in k(X) \,|\, J_f \text{ is finitely generated} \}.

Exercise 5.2.

Of particular importance is that case that the maximal ideal of a ring of germs is principal. Exercise 5.3 tells us that in this case (under some conditions) the ring is a discrete valuation domain.

Assume that k is infinite with decidable equality. Let X = \mathbb{A}^1_k. Let p \in X. Then \mathcal{O}_p is a discrete valuation domain with uniformizing parameter X - p.

2.5 Coordinate-free algebraic geometry

The rational spectrum of a k-algebra A is \mathrm{Specr}(A) \vcentcolon=\mathrm{Hom}_k(A,k), i.e. the set of k-algebra homomorphisms A \to k.

\mathrm{Specr}(k[X]) = \mathbb{A}^1.

\mathrm{Specr}(k[X_1,\ldots,X_n]/(f_1,\ldots,f_m)) = V(f_1,\ldots,f_m).

\mathrm{Specr}(k/(s)) = \{ \star \,|\, s = 0 \mathrel{\text{in}} k \}, i.e. \mathrm{Specr}(k/(s)) contains at most one element, and is inhabited iff s = 0 in k.

\mathrm{Specr}(k[s^{-1}]) = \{ \star \,|\, s \in k^\times \}.

For finitely presented k-algebras A, a chart of \mathrm{Specr}(A) is the bijection P_\varphi : \mathrm{Specr}(A) \to V(I),\ \alpha \mapsto (\alpha(\varphi([X_1])),\ldots,\alpha(\varphi([X_n]))) induced by an isomorphism \varphi : k[X_1,\ldots,X_n]/I \to A with I finitely generated.

Let A and B be finitely presented k-algebras. A map f : \mathrm{Specr}(A) \to \mathrm{Specr}(B) is polynomial if P_\psi \circ f \circ P_\varphi^{-1} is a polynomial map between algebraic subsets for some (equivalently: every) chart P_\varphi : \mathrm{Specr}(A) \to V(I), P_\psi : \mathrm{Specr}(B) \to V(J).

Given a finitely presented k-algebra A, there is a canonical k-algebra homomorphism A \longrightarrow \mathrm{Hom}_\mathrm{poly}(\mathrm{Specr}(A), k) mapping an element s \in A to the polynomial map \mathrm{ev}_s \vcentcolon=(\alpha \mapsto \alpha(s)). (Given a chart P_\varphi of A, the composition \mathrm{ev}_s \circ P_\varphi^{-1} maps a point p to \varphi^{-1}(s)(p) and is hence indeed polynomial.)

Let A be a finitely presented k-algebra. The canonical homomorphism A \longrightarrow \mathrm{Hom}_\mathrm{poly}(\mathrm{Specr}(A), k) is an isomorphism, if A is reduced and k is a Nullstellensatz ring.

Using the chart P_\varphi : \mathrm{Specr}(A) \to V(I) induced by an isomorphism \varphi : k[X_1,\ldots,X_n]/I \to A with I finitely generated, the canonical homomorphism turns into the canonical map k[X_1,\ldots,X_n]/I \longrightarrow \Gamma V(I). As k is a Nullstellensatzring, the codomain equals k[X_1,\ldots,X_n]/\sqrt{I}. As A is reduced, \sqrt{I} = I.

Summarizing, the \mathrm{Specr} construction and the construction \mathrm{Hom}_\mathrm{poly}(\cdot,k) constitute the two parts of a contravariant equivalence between the category of finitely presented reduced k-algebras and the category of sets of the form \mathrm{Specr}(A) and polynomial maps, if k is a Nullstellensatz ring.

This (amazing!) equivalence raises three follow-up questions:

  1. What if the algebras are not reduced?
  2. What if k is not a Nullstellensatz ring?
  3. What if k is not even a field, but a general ring?

To accomodate these more general situations, we need to go beyond naive algebraic geometry and turn to Grothendieck-style algebraic geometry.

2.6 Normal varieties

An integral domain A is integrally closed in \operatorname{Frac}(A) iff every element of \operatorname{Frac}(A) which is integral over A (i.e. is the zero of a monic polynomial with coefficients from A) is an element of A (i.e. of the form x/1 for some x \in A).

A variety X over k is normal at a point p \in X iff \mathcal{O}_p = \{ f \in k(X) \,|\, f \text{ is defined at } p \} is integrally closed in its field of fractions. A variety is normal iff its normal at all its points.

GCD domains are integrally closed in their fields of fractions.

Let x \in \operatorname{Frac}(A). Assume that x = p/q, wlog p \perp q (i.e. the unit element is a gcd of p and q), is integral over A: x^n + a_{n-1} x^{n-1} + \ldots + a_1 x^1 + a_0 = 0. Multiplying by q^n and rearranging yields p^n = q (\ldots), so q \mid p^n, so q \mid p by Euclid’s lemma, hence x \in A.

For the rest of this section, we assume that the base field k is algebraically closed (hence in particular infinite) and has decidable equality.

The variety \mathbb{A}^n is normal: The ring \Gamma \mathbb{A}^n = k[X_1,\ldots,X_n] is integrally closed in its field of fractions (as it is a gcd domain (even a Bézout domain)). From this it follows that all the local rings \mathcal{O}_p are integrally closed in their fields of fractions, as detailed in Exercise 6.2(a).

The variety V = V(Y^2 - X^3 - X^2) is not normal at p = (0,0), but is normal at all other points. We have \Gamma V = k[X,Y]/(Y^2 - X^3 - X^2). The rational function t \vcentcolon=Y / X \in k(V) is integral over \mathcal{O}_p, but not contained in \mathcal{O}_p:

Assume that t = Y/X = p/q with p,q \in \Gamma V. Write q = [q_{00} + q_{10} X + q_{01} Y + q_{11} X Y + \ldots]. So qY = pX in \Gamma V = k[X,Y]/(Y^2 - X^3 - X^2). So (qY)(0,Y) = (pX)(0,Y) in k[Y]/(Y^2 - 0^3 - 0^2) = k[Y]/(Y²). So q_{00}Y + Y^2 (...) = 0 in k[Y]/(Y²) (this k-vector space has (1,[Y]) as a basis), so q_{00} = 0 in k.

On the other hand, t^2 = Y^2 / ^2 = (X^3 + X^2) / X^2 = X + 1, so t is a zero of the monic polynomial T^2 - (X + 1) \in (ΓV)[T] and hence integral over \Gamma V.

The normalization of a variety X is X' \vcentcolon=\mathrm{Specr}(A'), where A' is the integral closure of A = \Gamma X in Frac(A), i.e. A' = \{ x \in \operatorname{Frac}(A) \,|\, x \text{ is integral over } A \}.

Let A be an integral domain. Let A' be the integral closure of A in \operatorname{Frac}(A). Then A' is integrally closed in \operatorname{Frac}(A') = \operatorname{Frac}(A).

3 Function fields in one variable

When referring function fields in one variable, we usually fix a base field K which we suppose to have decidable equality.

3.1 Basics

A function field in one variable (ffiov) over K is a finitely generated field extension of transcendence degree 1.

Recall that an extension F of K is of transcendence degree 1 iff there is an element x \in F which is transcendental over K such that F is algebraic over K(x). Hence a function field in one variable over K is a field extension F such that there is an element x \in F which is transcendental over K and such that F is finitely generated as a K(x)-vector space. Note that this element x is not at all unique. Not even the degree [F : K(x)] is independent of x (for instance, instead of x, we can also use x^2). Sometimes the requirement that F should be finitely generated as a field extension is dropped.

The field K(X) of rational functions is an ffiov over K.

Let F = K(x,y) with x transcendental over K and y algebraic over K(x) with minimal polynomial f \in K(x)[Y]. Then F is an ffiov over K. Let g be the primitive polynomial in K[X][Y] obtained from f by multipliying with the lowest common multiple of the (fully reduced) denominators. Then C \vcentcolon=V(g) \subseteq \mathbb{A}^2 is a one-dimensional variety with \Gamma C = K[X,Y]/(g), k(C) = \operatorname{Frac}(K[X,Y]/(g)) = F (assuming that K is algebraically closed, or that we work in the framework of Grothendieck-style algebraic geometry instead of naive algebraic geometry).

Let F be a field extension of K. Then \tilde K \vcentcolon=\{ z \in F \,|\, z \text{ algebraic over } K \} is the subfield of constants of F.

The subfield of constants is always an algebraic extension of K; in fact, it is the largest such in F.

In the case F = K(X), we have \tilde K = K: Let f \in K(X) and assume p(f) = 0 for some monic polynomial p \in K[T]. Then, as GCD domains are integrally closed in their field of fractions, we have f \in K[X]. Observing degrees then shows f \in K.

The following proposition can be summarized as “[L(T) : K(T)] = [L : K]” for algebraic extensions L of K.

Let L be a field extension of K. Then:

  1. Every K-linearly independent family of L is also a K(T)-linearly independent family of L(T).
  2. If L is algebraic over K, then every K-generating family of L is also a K(T)-generating family of L(T).

Let (x_1,\ldots,x_n) be a K-linearly independent family in L. Let \sum_i f_i(T) x_i = 0 in L(T) with f_1(T),\ldots,f_n(T) \in K(T). Without loss of generality, we have f_1(T),\ldots,f_n(T) \in K[T]. Then \sum_i f_i(T) x_i = 0 in L[T]. Evaluating at T = 0 yields \sum_i f_i(0) x_i = 0 in L. Hence by linear independence f_1(0) = \ldots = f_n(0) = 0. So, for each index if_i(T) = T g_i(T) for some polynomial g_i \in K[T]. As \sum_i g_i(T) x_i = 0 in L[T], we can continue by induction.

Let (x_1,\ldots,x_n) be a K-generating family of L. Let f(T) = g(T)/h(T) \in L(T), where g,h \in L[T]. Then h(T) is algebraic over K(T) (as T and the coefficients of h are algebraic over K(T)). Hence h(T)^{-1} \in K(T)[h(T)]. Hence f \in K(T)[g,h] \subseteq K(T)\langle x_1,\ldots,x_n \rangle.

Let F be an ffiov over K. Then [\tilde K : K]_\mathrm{lu} < \infty.

As F is an ffiov over K, there is an element t \in L which is transcendental over K such that [L : K(t)]_\mathrm{gs} < \infty. Using the previous proposition, we obtain [\tilde K : K]_\mathrm{lu} \leq [\tilde K(T) : K(T)]_\mathrm{lu} = [\tilde K(t) : K(t)]_\mathrm{lu} ≤ [L : K(t)]_\mathrm{lu} \leq [L : K(t)]_\mathrm{gs} < \infty, where the first equality is because the element t is also transcendental over \tilde K (if t would be algebraic over \tilde K, then it would also be algebraic over K).

Let F be a field extension of K. Then K is algebraically closed in F iff \tilde K = K.

For an ffiov F, we always have K \subseteq \tilde K \subsetneq F.

Let K be a perfect field. Let F be an ffiov over K. Let x \in F be an element which is transcendental over K. Then F = K(x,y) for some y \in F.

This claim from Theorem XXX in the section on positive characteristic above by setting E \vcentcolon=K(x); the degree assumption is satisfied as [E : E^p] = [K(x) : K(x)^p] = [K(X) : K(X)^p] = [K(X) : K(X^p)] = p (with minimal polynomial T^p - X^p \in K(X)[T]); note K(X)^p = K^p(X^p) = K(X^p) by perfectness.

Sometimes the result of the previous theorem is stated without the assumption that K is perfect. As far as I know, the result is false without this assumption.

Becker, M., and S. MacLane. 1940. “The Minimum Number of Generators for Inseparable Algebraic Extensions.” Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 46 (11): 182–86.
Lombardi, H., and C. Quitté. 2015. Commutative Algebra: Constructive Methods. Springer.
Mines, R., F. Richman, and W. Ruitenburg. 1988. A Course in Constructive Algebra. Universitext. Springer.